Thursday, 14 April 2011

Attempted Burglary

Early hours of Wednesday morning Em was woken up by someone trying to break into our bedroom window. They snapped part of the bottom lock, making a rather loud noise. She didn't get to see what the person looked like just a torch shining through the window, she turned on the light and they scarpered. The police were rang around 5:05 and they were around pretty sharpish, unfortunately the people got away.

All of Wednesday and part of today was spent with various kind of police coming to our flat to look at the window, find out what happened. The back of our flat there is a ditch then a field, on the other side of the field there is a dodgy estate that is known trouble. Up until recently there hadn't been that much trouble around here. There is only a small fence between us and the ditch. Apparently there should be a 6ft fence there rather than the stupid one that is currently there. There needs to be more lighting around the back of the block as that is really dark.

Wednesday the CSI people came around with their cameras and dusting equipment, they took many photos and spotted the poor mouse that Bilbo had killed. They looked at the window and said that the part shouldn't have snapped so easily, the policeman that came around today reiterated this. They both said that even if it was on the night vent the part should have held up and that it was reasonable for us to expect to be able to use that vent and still feel safe. The fact that the housing repair person tried to fob us off and not replace the part was wrong, the policeman said. He is going to go back and talk to the other policeman that came and see what they suggest but the windows might need to be changed!

I was told that there should have been some defensive planting around the bottom of our windows because then it wouldn't have happened. If you are stood several foot away from the window you wouldn't be able to pull hard enough on the window whereas if you are right next to it you have enough force to pull rather hard.

The policeman said that outside our big glass door should be sectioned off and more defensive planting around the bit that is sectioned off, so we would have a little space of our own just outside that door. He wasn't impressed that the main door to get into the block didn't shut properly all the time and he could have just let himself in if he wanted to.

The police have been very efficient and responded quickly. Cannot fault them on this occasion. Now to tag everything and write on it all with UV ink that I was given.

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