Thursday, 24 May 2012

State of me nearly 3 months post Stanmore

I thought I would take the time to update everyone on my progress since leaving Stanmore almost 3 months ago.  I have my 3 month follow up appointment and there are a few things that I need to rectify before that appointment.  I have to say that the last few months have been rather tough health wise so I haven't done as well as I would have liked to.

The first few weeks following Stanmore all I wanted to do was sleep.  Being ill with a glandular fever type illness didn't help matters.  I have found it very difficult to integrate what I had learned at Stanmore into my life here at home, it is not out of lack of motivation, somehow I find myself over focusing on other things and forgetting to do important things such as take medicines, eat and go to bed at reasonable times let alone all the extra things I need to do such as physio and exercise.  I need something/someone to prompt me gently to do these things otherwise they will not get done.

This year I have regained the weight I had lost over the last few months of last year which I am disappointed about but not surprised.  To have my lower surgery and the last part of my chest surgery I need to get my act together and get down to 12st and I'm currently just under 15st so I have a long way to go with that, the shame is that I actually got rather close to that goal weight but let it all slip away.  But this post isn't going to be a pity party, it is to clear my thoughts and figure out how to proceed.

My goals on my target sheet are as follows:

- Create a daily routine - This is something that I am really lacking in now that I don't go to the university anymore. I have no structure to my day and no reason to get up in the morning.  I wish I were able to work but I just am not able to right now, but that doesn't give me an excuse to stay up late and lose half the day because I didn't get up until nearly midday.  My expected level is to set up a computer programme and set up a timetable so this one will be achievable before I go back so that is now on my to-do list.

- Eat breakfast - Something that I do remember to do on the days that I'm up in time for breakfast so if I get my sleeping times in order then this should fall in line pretty simply.  It is usually lunch that I forget, I should eat smaller meals and often to help with my stomach problems and pots.I just don't remember to eat that often so it will have to be something that I have to timetable in to start with until it becomes habit.

- Uni study - This is one goal that I really have down which is good.  I am in the process of signing up to open university, my credit transfer has gone through and I just have to send in my disability form and register for the module that I want to take this year.  The module I'm taking is a 60 credit one so is half what I am used to taking so I'm hoping that I'll be able to cope with that amount.  I need to talk to someone about funding as well as I'm not entirely sure how that is going to work.  For this goal I am in the most favourable outcome so that is rather nice!

- Exercise - I haven't been that hot on doing a lot of exercise lately I must admit, a lot of days I forget to do my physio let alone exercise as well.  The expected outcome for this goal is to carry out exercises once a week so not too much expected so I can at least mange sorting that out in the next few weeks.  I now have a  trimbike that my mum gave me and have started using it today. Luckily my joints seem to be okay with doing it but my heart rate doesn't shooting all the way up to 150bpm

- Swimming - I don't think I have been swimming since I have been back home from Stanmore which is a real shame as I have some physio exercises that I could do in the pool and walking around in the pool will help my legs somewhat.  I am planning on starting to go to the disabled swimming at the local pool on a Thursday morning as they heat up the pool so it is warmer than it normally is.  My joints really ache in the normal temperature of the pool.  My expected level is to go swimming once a fortnight - once a month which is more than achievable.

On the whole the goals that I was given weren't all that difficult so I'm not entirely sure why I haven't been able to get my head in the right position to be able to achieve these.

Plan of action

- Be up and out of bed before 9am
- Do stretches after breakfast
- Set up reminders for all meds
- Take all meds
- Eat 5 meals a day of around 360 cals each
- Drink at least 3 bottles of drink a day (20oz water bottle)
- Do physio every day
- Bed by 11:30pm
- Swimming at least once a week

Once I have those few basics into my routine then I will add other things into the mix.  I don't want to try and change too many things at once otherwise I'll never do any of them.

My follow up is 8th June so I better get myself going with these things!

Appointment with Dr Cohen in November so that gives me a chance to get a lot of things back on track including the weightloss.

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